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Step-by-Step Guide on How to Apply for Cyprus Golden Visa

Introduction to the Cyprus Golden Visa The Cyprus Golden Visa has become an increasingly popular option for individuals seeking a second residency or citizenship. This program allows foreigners to obtain a residency permit and eventually citizenship by investing in the country’s real estate market. In this blog post, we will guide you through the entire ...

Introduction to the Cyprus Golden Visa

The Cyprus Golden Visa has become an increasingly popular option for individuals seeking a second residency or citizenship. This program allows foreigners to obtain a residency permit and eventually citizenship by investing in the country’s real estate market. In this blog post, we will guide you through the entire process of the Cyprus Golden Visa, from eligibility criteria and document requirements, to the application submission, processing time, and fees. We will also discuss the review and decision process, as well as the post-approval requirements and benefits that come with obtaining the Cyprus Golden Visa.

Introduction to the Cyprus Golden Visa

The Cyprus Golden Visa is a program introduced by the government of Cyprus in 2013 to attract foreign investors and stimulate economic growth in the country. It enables non-European Union (EU) citizens and their families to obtain a residency permit and eventually citizenship in Cyprus by making a qualifying investment.

The main objective of the Cyprus Golden Visa is to encourage foreign direct investment in Cyprus. The program offers a range of benefits to investors, including access to the EU and the ability to live, work, and study in Cyprus. It also provides a pathway to citizenship, which grants investors all the rights and privileges of being an EU citizen.

In order to be eligible for the Cyprus Golden Visa, there are certain criteria that investors must meet. Firstly, they must be at least 18 years old and have a valid passport. Secondly, they must have a clean criminal record and not be considered a threat to public order or national security. Additionally, they must demonstrate that their investment funds were obtained legally and are not connected to any illegal activities.

Eligibility Criteria for the Cyprus Golden Visa

The Cyprus Golden Visa program offers foreign investors an opportunity to obtain permanent residency in Cyprus by making a significant investment in the country. However, before applying for the Cyprus Golden Visa, it is essential to understand the eligibility criteria set by the government. Meeting these criteria is crucial to ensure a successful application and to maximize the chances of approval. In this article, we will delve into the key eligibility requirements that applicants must meet.

1. Investment Amount: One of the primary eligibility criteria for the Cyprus Golden Visa is making a qualifying investment in the country. The investment amount varies depending on the chosen investment route. Currently, there are several investment options available, including real estate, government bonds, financial assets of Cypriot companies, and more. It is important to note that the investment must be made through legal channels and from legitimate sources.

2. Clean Criminal Record: To be eligible for the Cyprus Golden Visa, applicants must have a clean criminal record. This means that they should not have been convicted of any serious criminal offenses or involvement in illegal activities. Additionally, any individual who is considered a threat to public order or national security may be disqualified from obtaining the visa.

3. Residence in Cyprus: Another important criterion for the Cyprus Golden Visa is having a permanent residence in Cyprus. This means that applicants must hold a valid residency permit in Cyprus at the time of application. It is possible to obtain a temporary residence permit before applying for the Golden Visa, which would fulfill this requirement. Alternatively, individuals can apply for both the temporary residence permit and the Golden Visa simultaneously.

4. Time spent in Cyprus: To maintain the Cyprus Golden Visa, applicants must demonstrate a genuine link to the country. This is assessed by the number of days spent in Cyprus per year. The specific requirement may vary depending on the investment option chosen. Generally, applicants should aim to spend a significant amount of time in Cyprus each year to maintain their residency status and the benefits associated with the Golden Visa.

By meeting these eligibility criteria, foreign investors can enhance their chances of obtaining the Cyprus Golden Visa. It is crucial to thoroughly understand and fulfill these requirements to ensure a smooth and successful application process. Consulting with immigration professionals or legal advisors experienced in the Cyprus Golden Visa program can provide valuable guidance and support for individuals seeking to obtain permanent residency in Cyprus through this investment scheme.

Step 1: Gathering the required documents

When applying for the Cyprus Golden Visa, the first step is to gather all the necessary documents. These documents are crucial in establishing your eligibility and supporting your application. It is important to ensure that you have all the required paperwork in order to avoid any delays or complications in the process.

Here is a list of the essential documents that you need to gather:

  • Application Form: You need to fill out the application form accurately and completely. Make sure to provide all the necessary information and double-check for any errors.
  • Passport: A valid passport is required for the application. Make sure that your passport is valid for at least three months beyond the intended period of stay in Cyprus.
  • Passport Photos: You will need recent passport-sized photographs. Ensure that the photos comply with the specified requirements, such as background color and size.
  • Birth Certificate: A certified copy of your birth certificate is required to establish your identity and nationality.
  • Marriage Certificate (if applicable): If you are married, you will need to provide a copy of your marriage certificate as a proof of your marital status.
  • Proof of Clean Criminal Record: You must provide a certificate of good conduct from your home country or any other country where you have resided for more than six months in the past five years.

Additionally, you may need to provide other supporting documents, such as:

Proof of Source of FundsDocuments showing the origin of your investment funds, such as bank statements, business income, or property sale agreements.
Curriculum VitaeA detailed CV outlining your education, work experience, and relevant qualifications.
Health InsuranceEvidence of health insurance coverage to ensure that you have access to medical care during your stay in Cyprus.
Proof of AccommodationDocuments showing your intended accommodation in Cyprus, such as a rental agreement or property ownership documents.

It is crucial to ensure that all the documents are accurate, up-to-date, and properly translated into English or Greek, if applicable. It is recommended to work with a professional immigration consultant or lawyer who can guide you through the document gathering process and help you avoid any errors or omissions.

Step 2: Submitting the application

The second step of obtaining the Cyprus Golden Visa is submitting the application. Once you have gathered all the required documents, you will need to submit them to the relevant authorities. The submission process is an important step towards securing your visa and should be done carefully and accurately.

When submitting the application, it is essential to ensure that all the necessary documents are included and properly filled out. This may include your passport, a completed application form, proof of funds, and any other supporting documents requested by the authorities. It is important to double-check the requirements and guidelines provided by the Cyprus government to avoid any delays or rejections.

Additionally, it is highly recommended to keep copies of all the submitted documents for your records. This will come in handy in case any discrepancies or additional requests arise during the application process. By keeping organized records, you can easily provide any requested information and demonstrate your commitment to meeting all the criteria and regulations.

Moreover, it is crucial to pay attention to the submission deadlines and any applicable fees. The Cyprus Golden Visa program may have specific timeframes within which applications must be submitted. Failing to meet these deadlines could result in unnecessary delays or even the rejection of your application. Similarly, make sure to pay any required fees promptly and accurately, as this will also affect the processing time of your application. It is advisable to consult with professionals or official sources to ensure you are aware of all the financial obligations and timelines involved.

In conclusion, submitting the application for the Cyprus Golden Visa is a crucial step in the process of obtaining the visa. By carefully following the guidelines provided by the authorities, gathering all necessary documents, and paying attention to deadlines and fees, you can ensure a smooth and successful submission. Remember to keep organized records and copies of all submitted documents and consult with professionals if needed to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome.

Step 3: Processing time and fees

When applying for the Cyprus Golden Visa, it is important to understand the processing time and fees involved in the application. This step plays a crucial role in the overall timeline and cost of obtaining the visa. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the processes and fees associated with the Cyprus Golden Visa to ensure a smooth application process.

Processing Time:

The processing time for the Cyprus Golden Visa can vary depending on various factors such as the complexity of the application, the completeness of the documentation provided, and the workload of the relevant authorities. On average, the processing time for the visa is around two to three months.

During this time, the authorities will review the application, verify the documents submitted, and conduct the necessary background checks. It is crucial to ensure that all the required documents are accurately filled out and submitted in a timely manner to avoid any delays in the processing time.


When applying for the Cyprus Golden Visa, it is important to be aware of the fees that are associated with the application. These fees include both government fees and professional fees. The government fees include the application fee, which is non-refundable, as well as the issuing fee, which is payable upon approval of the visa.

In addition to the government fees, applicants may also need to pay professional fees to immigration consultants or lawyers who assist with the application process. These professional fees can vary depending on the complexity of the application and the services provided.

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Listed below is a breakdown of the processing time and fees for the Cyprus Golden Visa:

Processing TimeFees
Approximately two to three monthsGovernment fees: Application fee (non-refundable) and issuing feeProfessional fees: Varies depending on complexity and services provided

It is important to note that the processing time and fees mentioned above are subject to change. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with relevant authorities or immigration professionals for the most up-to-date information before submitting your application.

Having a clear understanding of the processing time and fees associated with the Cyprus Golden Visa can help applicants plan their timelines and budget accordingly. By ensuring that all the necessary documentation is provided accurately and in a timely manner, applicants can expedite the processing time and avoid any unnecessary delays or complications. It is highly recommended to seek professional guidance and assistance during this step to ensure a smooth and successful application process.

Step 4: Review and decision

Once you have submitted your application for the Cyprus Golden Visa, the next step is the review and decision process. This is an important stage where the relevant authorities carefully review your application and make a decision regarding your eligibility for the visa. The review and decision process plays a crucial role in determining whether your application will be approved or rejected.

During the review process, the authorities will thoroughly examine all the documents and information you have provided. They will assess whether you meet all the eligibility criteria and whether the supporting documents are genuine and meet the required standards. This is done to ensure the authenticity of the application and to prevent any potential fraudulent activities.

It is important to note that the review process may take some time, as the authorities need to carefully evaluate each application. The exact processing time may vary depending on the individual circumstances and the workload of the immigration authorities. It is advisable to be patient during this stage and refrain from making inquiries about the status of your application unless necessary.

Once the review process is completed, a decision will be made regarding your application. This decision can either be an approval or a rejection. If your application is approved, you will receive a notification confirming your eligibility for the Cyprus Golden Visa. On the other hand, if your application is rejected, you will be informed of the reasons for the rejection.

Step 5: Post-approval requirements and benefits

After successfully obtaining a Cyprus Golden Visa, there are certain post-approval requirements and benefits that the visa holders need to be aware of. These requirements and benefits play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth transition and integration into the Cypriot society. In this blog post, we will discuss the post-approval requirements and the various benefits that come along with the Cyprus Golden Visa.

Post-Approval Requirements:

Once the Cyprus Golden Visa is approved, the visa holders are required to fulfill certain obligations to maintain their visa status. These requirements include:

  1. Residency Obligations: Visa holders must reside in Cyprus for at least 2 months per year. This can be a temporary visit or a cumulative duration within a year.
  2. Renewal of Residence Permit: The Golden Visa is initially granted for a period of 1 year and can be renewed thereafter. Visa holders need to ensure timely renewal to maintain their residency status in Cyprus.
  3. No Criminal Record: Visa holders should maintain a clean criminal record throughout their stay in Cyprus. Any criminal offenses may lead to the revocation of the Golden Visa.

Benefits of the Cyprus Golden Visa:

The Cyprus Golden Visa offers numerous benefits to the visa holders, making it an attractive option for investors and individuals looking for international mobility. Some key benefits include:

Residency PermitHolders of the Golden Visa gain the right to reside in Cyprus and enjoy the benefits of living in the country.
Work and StudyGolden Visa holders can also work and pursue education in Cyprus.
Travel within Schengen ZoneThe Cyprus Golden Visa allows visa-free travel within the Schengen Zone, comprising 26 European countries.
Real Estate InvestmentVisa holders have the opportunity to invest in real estate in Cyprus and benefit from potential capital appreciation.
Family ReunificationThe Golden Visa extends to immediate family members, allowing them to join the visa holder in Cyprus.

Overall, the post-approval requirements and benefits associated with the Cyprus Golden Visa create an attractive package for investors and individuals seeking residency in Cyprus. It offers flexibility, mobility, and a gateway to explore new opportunities within Europe.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What is the Cyprus Golden Visa?

The Cyprus Golden Visa is a program that allows non-European Union citizens to obtain residency and eventually citizenship in Cyprus by investing in the country’s real estate market.

Question 2: What are the eligibility criteria for the Cyprus Golden Visa?

To be eligible for the Cyprus Golden Visa, applicants must be at least 18 years old, have a clean criminal record, and make a minimum investment in Cyprus real estate.

Question 3: What documents are required for the Cyprus Golden Visa application?

The required documents for the Cyprus Golden Visa application include a valid passport, a detailed business plan (if applicable), proof of clean criminal record, proof of funds for investment, and marriage/divorce certificates (if applicable).

Question 4: How do I submit the Cyprus Golden Visa application?

The Cyprus Golden Visa application must be submitted to the Cyprus Ministry of Interior through an authorized intermediary, such as a lawyer or real estate agent.

Question 5: How long does the processing of Cyprus Golden Visa application take and what are the fees involved?

The processing time for the Cyprus Golden Visa application is approximately 2-3 months. The fees include application processing fees, real estate purchase fees, and legal fees, which can vary depending on the value of the investment.

Question 6: What happens after the Cyprus Golden Visa application is approved?

After the application is approved, the applicant must fulfill certain post-approval requirements, such as visiting Cyprus at least once every two years, maintaining the investment for at least five years, and providing proof of accommodation in Cyprus.

Question 7: What are the benefits of the Cyprus Golden Visa?

The benefits of the Cyprus Golden Visa include free travel within the Schengen Area, residency rights for the whole family, access to quality healthcare and education, and the opportunity to eventually obtain Cyprus citizenship.

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