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Costs of Turkish citizenship

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to obtaining Turkish citizenship! If you’ve ever considered making Turkey your second home, this blog post is here to provide you with all the essential information you need. From application fees to investment options, taxes and legal costs, residency requirements, and processing times, we will cover it all. Whether you’re ...

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to obtaining Turkish citizenship! If you’ve ever considered making Turkey your second home, this blog post is here to provide you with all the essential information you need. From application fees to investment options, taxes and legal costs, residency requirements, and processing times, we will cover it all. Whether you’re interested in understanding the expenses associated with Turkish citizenship or curious about expedited services, we’ve got you covered. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of Turkish citizenship and explore the various aspects you need to consider.

Application fees for Turkish citizenship

When considering obtaining Turkish citizenship, one important aspect to take into account is the application fees. These fees vary depending on the type of application and the circumstances of the individual. It is essential to understand the cost implications before initiating the process.

There are several investment options available for obtaining Turkish citizenship. These options include purchasing real estate, making a fixed capital investment, or depositing funds in Turkish banks. Each option has its own set of requirements and minimum investment amounts. It is necessary to carefully evaluate these options and choose the one that best suits your needs and financial capabilities.

Along with the investment options, there are taxes and dues associated with Turkish citizenship. One of the major taxes is the Value Added Tax (VAT), which is applicable on the purchase of real estate or any other goods and services. Additionally, there may be annual property taxes and stamp duties to be paid. It is essential to factor in these financial obligations when considering Turkish citizenship.

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Legal and consultancy costs are also associated with obtaining Turkish citizenship. It is advisable to seek professional assistance to navigate through the application process and ensure compliance with the legal requirements. Engaging the services of a reputable law firm or consultancy firm can help streamline the process and avoid unnecessary delays or complications.

Processing TimeExpedited Services
The processing time for Turkish citizenship applications can vary depending on several factors, including the workload of the relevant authorities and the completeness of the application. On average, it may take several months for an application to be processed. It is important to submit all the required documents and information accurately to avoid any delays.If there is a need for expedited services, it is possible to fast-track the application process by paying additional fees. However, not all applications are eligible for expedited services, and the decision lies with the Turkish authorities.

Lastly, residency requirements and associated expenses should also be taken into consideration when applying for Turkish citizenship. Turkey requires individuals to reside in the country for a certain period before they are eligible to apply for citizenship. This may involve obtaining a residence permit and fulfilling certain residency obligations. It is important to be aware of the costs associated with living in Turkey during this period, including rent, utilities, and general living expenses.

Investment options for obtaining Turkish citizenship

In order to obtain Turkish citizenship, there are various investment options available. These options not only provide individuals with the opportunity to become Turkish citizens, but also offer potential financial benefits. It is important to understand the investment options and the requirements associated with each option before making a decision.

One of the investment options for obtaining Turkish citizenship is through real estate. According to the Turkish regulations, purchasing property worth at least $250,000 is one of the ways to be eligible for citizenship. This investment can be made either by buying residential or commercial property. The real estate sector in Turkey has been growing rapidly in recent years, offering individuals a range of choices for their investment.

Another investment option is to invest in a business or establish a company in Turkey. This option requires individuals to invest a certain amount of capital and create job opportunities for Turkish citizens. The minimum investment amount and the number of jobs to be created may vary depending on the sector and location of the business. Investing in a Turkish business not only contributes to the country’s economy but also offers potential long-term profits.

  • A third investment option for obtaining Turkish citizenship is investing in government bonds. Individuals can invest a minimum amount of $500,000 in Turkish government bonds and hold them for a specified period of time. This option not only provides a secure investment but also supports the government in financing various projects.
  • Additionally, individuals can consider investing in the Turkish stock market. By investing at least $500,000 in stocks listed on the Borsa Istanbul, individuals can be eligible for Turkish citizenship. Investing in the stock market requires careful research and understanding of the market trends.

It is important to note that each investment option has its own set of requirements and procedures. It is advisable to seek professional advice and consult with experts in Turkish citizenship and investment before making a decision. Considering the financial implications and potential benefits, investing in Turkey can be a rewarding opportunity for individuals seeking Turkish citizenship.

Investment OptionMinimum RequirementPotential Benefits
Real Estate$440,000– Potential rental income- Property appreciation
Business InvestmentVaries by sector– Long-term profits- Contribution to the economy
Government Bonds$500,000– Secure investment- Support government projects
Stock Market$500,000– Potential capital gains- Diversification of investment

Taxes and dues associated with Turkish citizenship

When considering obtaining Turkish citizenship, it is important to be aware of the taxes and dues that come along with it. These financial obligations can vary depending on your individual circumstances and the specific investment option you choose. It is crucial to understand and plan for these expenses to ensure a smooth and hassle-free process.

One of the main taxes associated with Turkish citizenship is the income tax. As a Turkish citizen, you will be subject to income tax on your worldwide income. This means that regardless of whether you earn income within Turkey or abroad, you will need to declare and pay taxes on it. The income tax rates in Turkey vary depending on your income level, with higher earners subject to higher tax rates. It is advisable to consult with a tax advisor or accountant to ensure proper compliance with the tax regulations and to optimize your tax planning.

In addition to income tax, there are also property taxes to consider. Property ownership in Turkey may require you to pay property tax, which is calculated based on the assessed value of your property. It is important to understand the local property tax laws and rates in the area where your property is located. Engaging the services of a real estate agent or lawyer who specializes in Turkish property law can provide valuable guidance and ensure that you meet all your tax obligations.

Another significant expense associated with Turkish citizenship is the value-added tax (VAT). VAT is a consumption tax that is applied to the majority of goods and services in Turkey. Whether you are purchasing property, investing in a business, or acquiring assets, you may be subject to VAT. The exact VAT rate varies depending on the product or service, ranging from 1% to 18%. It is essential to factor in these additional costs when planning your financial resources for obtaining Turkish citizenship.

Legal and consultancy costs for Turkish citizenship

When it comes to obtaining Turkish citizenship, there are various costs involved, including legal and consultancy fees. These expenses are essential to ensure a smooth and successful citizenship application process.

1. Legal Fees: Hiring an experienced immigration lawyer is highly recommended to navigate through the complex legal procedures. The legal fees for Turkish citizenship applications can vary, depending on the complexity of the case and the services provided. It is important to thoroughly research and compare the costs and reputation of different law firms before making a decision.

2. Consultancy Costs: Apart from legal fees, many individuals also seek the assistance of consultancy firms specialized in Turkish citizenship applications. These firms provide valuable guidance and support throughout the process, ensuring all the necessary documents are prepared and submitted correctly. The consultancy costs may vary based on the services offered and the level of personalized support provided.

3. Additional Expenses: While legal and consultancy fees constitute the major costs associated with Turkish citizenship, it is important to consider other expenses that may arise during the process. These may include translation and notarization fees for documents, obtaining official documents such as birth certificates or marriage licenses, and any travel expenses if required. It is advisable to budget for these additional expenses to avoid any surprises later on.

Overall, the legal and consultancy costs for Turkish citizenship are crucial investments to ensure a successful and efficient application process. By seeking professional assistance, individuals can navigate through the complex requirements and procedures with confidence. It is important to research and evaluate different service providers to ensure the best value for money and a seamless citizenship journey.

Processing time and expedited services for Turkish citizenship

Processing time and expedited services are important considerations for individuals seeking Turkish citizenship. Understanding the timeline involved in the application process can help applicants plan accordingly and make informed decisions. Additionally, expedited services can offer a faster route to obtaining citizenship for those who require it urgently. In this blog post, we will explore the processing time for Turkish citizenship applications and the available expedited services.

Processing time for Turkish citizenship applications can vary depending on several factors. Generally, it takes around 6 to 8 months for the application to be processed. However, this time frame may be longer for certain individuals or cases that require additional documentation or scrutiny. It is essential to note that each application is unique, and the processing time can be influenced by factors such as the complexity of the case, the accuracy of the submitted documents, and the current workload of the relevant authorities.

For those who need to expedite the processing of their Turkish citizenship application, there are certain services available. These expedited services aim to accelerate the application process and provide faster results. While these services may come with an additional fee, they can be valuable for individuals who have urgent reasons to obtain Turkish citizenship. The expedited services typically involve prioritizing the application and assigning dedicated resources to ensure a quicker processing time.

  • Priority Processing: This service allows applicants to have their application reviewed on a priority basis, which can significantly reduce the processing time. This option is suitable for those who need their Turkish citizenship as soon as possible.
  • Fast-track Services: These services offer specialized assistance throughout the application process, ensuring a smoother and faster procedure. Fast-track services may include personalized guidance, document preparation, and expedited handling of the application.
  • Concierge Services: These premium services provide applicants with personalized support from a dedicated consultant who will navigate the entire citizenship application process on their behalf. Concierge services can streamline the process and minimize any delays or complications.

While expedited services can expedite the processing time for Turkish citizenship, it is important to remember that they cannot guarantee instant approval. The final decision rests with the authorities responsible for granting citizenship, and thorough evaluation and background checks are still conducted. Therefore, it is crucial for applicants to ensure all necessary documents are accurately prepared and submitted to avoid any potential delays.

Processing TimeExpedited Service
6 to 8 months (approx.)Priority Processing
Fast-track Services
Concierge Services

Residency requirements and associated expenses for Turkish citizenship

Residency Requirements and Associated Expenses for Turkish Citizenship

Residency Requirements and Associated Expenses for Turkish Citizenship

One of the important aspects to consider when applying for Turkish citizenship is understanding the residency requirements and associated expenses. Meeting the residency requirements is essential as it plays a significant role in the overall application process. In this blog post, we will discuss the residency requirements and the expenses associated with obtaining Turkish citizenship.

Residency Requirements:

As per the Turkish legislation, individuals who want to apply for Turkish citizenship through residency must meet certain requirements. The main requirement is to hold a valid residence permit for a continuous period of time. The minimum period of residency required varies depending on the type of investment made in Turkey for citizenship purposes. For example, individuals who invest in real estate must maintain a minimum of 250,000 USD worth of property ownership for at least three years to be eligible for Turkish citizenship.

Associated Expenses:

While the exact expenses may vary depending on personal circumstances and choices, it is important to consider the associated costs of obtaining Turkish citizenship through residency. Some of the common expenses include:

  • Residence Permit Fees: In order to maintain legal residency, individuals need to pay the required fees for obtaining and renewing a residence permit. The fees depend on the duration of the permit and can range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars.
  • Health Insurance: Obtaining health insurance is mandatory for residency in Turkey. The cost of health insurance can vary depending on the coverage and provider.
  • Legal and Consultancy Costs: Hiring legal and consultancy services can assist in navigating the complex process of obtaining Turkish citizenship. The costs for such services can vary based on the chosen service provider and the complexity of the case.


Residency requirements and associated expenses play a crucial role in the process of obtaining Turkish citizenship. To ensure a smooth application process, it is important to understand and meet the residency requirements, while also considering and budgeting for the associated expenses. Consulting with experts and professionals can provide valuable guidance in navigating this process effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the application fees for Turkish citizenship?

The application fees for Turkish citizenship vary depending on the investment option chosen. Generally, the minimum investment amount is $250,000, and additional fees may apply for processing and legal assistance.

2. What are the investment options for obtaining Turkish citizenship?

There are several investment options available for obtaining Turkish citizenship, including real estate investments, capital investments, job creation, and bank deposits. Each option has different requirements and minimum investment amounts.

3. What taxes and dues are associated with Turkish citizenship?

As a Turkish citizen, you will be subject to various taxes and dues, including income tax, property tax, social security contributions, and value-added tax (VAT). The specific amounts will depend on your income and assets.

4. What are the legal and consultancy costs for Turkish citizenship?

The legal and consultancy costs for obtaining Turkish citizenship can vary depending on the complexity of your case and the services required. It is recommended to seek professional assistance to navigate the application process, and fees will be determined based on the scope of work.

5. What is the processing time for Turkish citizenship, and are there expedited services available?

The processing time for Turkish citizenship can vary, but it typically takes around 4-6 months from the submission of a complete application. Expedited services are available for an additional fee, which can significantly reduce the processing time to as little as 2-3 months.

6. What are the residency requirements and associated expenses for Turkish citizenship?

To obtain Turkish citizenship, you must fulfill certain residency requirements, such as residing in Turkey for a specified period. The associated expenses may include accommodation costs, utilities, and daily living expenses during your stay in Turkey.

7. How can I prepare for Turkish citizenship application and gather the required documents?

To prepare for a Turkish citizenship application, it is essential to gather all necessary documents, such as passports, birth certificates, marriage certificates, and bank statements. It is recommended to consult with professionals or specialized agencies to ensure you have all required documents in order.


Related Articles;

  1. Turkish Citizenship through Real Estate Investment(Opens in a new browser tab)
  2. Turkish Citizenship Benefits(Opens in a new browser tab)
  3. Turkish Citizenship by Investment: How to Obtain It and Its Benefits(Opens in a new browser tab)

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